Avatar Korra Watch Cartoon Online
The Legend of Korra is set in the Avatar universe as a spin-off of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The new series takes place seventy years after the end of the Avatar: The Last Airbender story arc with new characters and settings. The protagonist of the new series, Korra, the Avatar after Aang, is a hot-headed and rebellious young woman from the Southern Water Tribe who is ready to take on the world. The series follows Korra as she faces an Anti-bending Revolution while mastering the art of airbending from Aang and Katara's son, Tenzin.
The Legend of Korra is set in the Avatar universe as a spin-off of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The new series takes place seventy years after the end of the Avatar: The Last Airbender story arc with new characters and settings. The protagonist of the new series, Korra, the Avatar after Aang, is a hot-headed and rebellious young woman from the Southern Water Tribe who is ready to take on the world. The series follows Korra as she faces an Anti-bending Revolution while mastering the art of airbending from Aang and Katara's son, Tenzin. The Legend of Korra is set in the Avatar universe as a spin-off of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The new series takes place seventy years after the end of the Avatar: The Last Airbender story arc with new characters and settings.

The protagonist of the new series, Korra, the Avatar after Aang, is a hot-headed and rebellious young woman from the Southern Water Tribe who is ready to take on the world. The series follows Korra as she faces an Anti-bending Revolution while mastering the art of airbending from Aang and Katara's son, Tenzin.
The Legend Of Korra Watch Cartoons Online
The Avatar: Legend of Korra episode guide on SideReel features original episode air dates for each season, plus show reviews, summaries and more. SideReel has discontinued its iOS and Android apps as of 6/5/18. Watch The Legend of Korra Season 4 online free More free cartoon Watch south park online, Kiss cartoon rick and morty, Cartoon free, Comedy cartoon, Drama cartoon.
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