Telephone Game Examples For Work
Most of us are familiar with the telephone game. For those that haven’t played, the game is very simple. A group of people stands in a line. A simple sentence, starting with the first person, is whispered into the next person’s ear one by one until the message reaches the end of the line. Typically, the sentence that is revealed by the person at the end of the line is significantly different than the one that was started with. Just as in the game, this phenomenon of simple miscommunication exists in the workplace. Once you realize just how easily spoken communications can be changed inadvertently, the importance of effectively communicating is reinforced.
Telephone is a fun game for kids. Players whisper a phrase to each other and laugh as the phrase is misunderstood and repeated incorrectly. In the Telephone activity, the teacher starts by whispering a phrase to one student in the room. That student then whispers the message to the student next to him/her. The message gets passed on to. Phrases to start the telephone game. Example phrases to use. Dec 03, 2018 How to Play the Telephone Game. The game of telephone is a classic ice breaker and party game. It's easy to set up and a lot of fun to play. WikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article meets our. For example, you can tell them that they are talking about a female employee who was seen having lunch with her male boss. When they returned to work, someone saw them hug in the parking lot,.
How To Play Telephone
Car dealerships are particularly prone to this given the complexity of many of the activities occurring. If a salesperson misunderstands the sales manager when working a deal with a customer, it can alter the rapport and general experience for that customer significantly. When a service advisor communicates with a customer ineffectively, the same thing can happen. The obvious solution is accurate and detailed documentation in every customer and internal transaction. That being said, there are simply too many things happening and sound bites of information being exchanged that recording everything would be laborious and inefficient. The solution lies in ensuring that you have processes and technology in place that record and track everything related to a customer’s transaction with your dealership in the most time-efficient manner possible. In addition, you should take the time to train your staff some basic effective communication skills.
Telephone Game Phrases For Workplace

Simply understanding these basic concepts will help avoid misunderstandings. • How You Relay Information Matters – People learn and retain information in different ways. Think about when you were in school. Did you retain information better by reading the textbook or listening to the lecture? The same applies in the workplace. Some people retain information better and more accurately when it’s delivered to them in a visual manner while some prefer to have it spoken to them. By learning how each of your co-workers best process information you’ll increase the effectiveness of communications and decrease the likelihood of mistakes and misunderstandings.