Travel Arabic
Traveling in Arabic-speaking countries can be confusing especially if you can’t read the signs or understand the instructions you’re given. Learning a few useful Arabic travel-related words and phrases before you begin traveling can save you time and reduce your frustration level.
Take Arabic Travel Phrases on the go! Download for: • • Click on a phrase to hear it, then repeat the phrase out loud. Play the clip again. How did you do? Basic Phrases • Thank you.
• Thank you very much. Shukran jaziilan. • You're welcome. ’ahlan wa sahlan.
’anaa ’aasif. • I don't understand. • I don't speak Arabic. Anaa la ’atakallam al- xarabiyya. • I don't speak Arabic very well.
’anaa laa ’atakallam al- xarabiyya jayyidan. • Do you speak English? Hal tatakallam ’ingilizi?
• Speak slowly, please. Rajaa’an takallam bi biT’. • Repeat, please. ’axid, min faDlak.
• What's your name? • How are you? Ullam kollai poguthe songs download. Kayfa Haaluka? (m.) (kayfa Haaluki?
(f.)) • Do you speak English? Hal tatakallam ’ingilizi?
• Where is the subway? ’ayna metro al-’anfaaq? • Where is a good restaurant? Hal hunaaka maTxamun jayyidun? • Is the tip included?
Hal al-baqshiish maHsuub? • How much does that cost? Kam huwa th- thaman? • Is there a public phone here? Hal hunaaka haatifun ’umuumiyyun huna?
• Can I get on the internet? Hal ’astaTiixa ’an ’astaxmil al-’internet?
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Travel In Arabic
• Can you help me? Hal tastaTiixa ’an tusaaxidani?
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Vocabulary: Traveling Airport English Arabic Singular Airplane طائِرة / طَيّارة Airport مَطار Arrival وُصول Customs المَجارِك Departure مُغادَرة Flight طَيَران Luggage مَتاع Passport جَواز [السفر] Seat (e.g. On an airplane) مَقْعَد Suitcase حَقيبة [السفر] Terminal مَحَطّة الطَيَران Ticket تَذْكِرة Visa تَأْشيرة Places English Arabic Singular Elevator مِصْعَد[ة] Entrance مَدْخَل Exit مَخْرَج Hotel فُنْدُق Hotel Room غُرْفة الفُنْدُق Mosque جامِع Parking مَوْقِف السَيّارات Restaurant مَطْعَم Restroom حَمّام Reception اسْتِقْبال Shop دُكّان Stand (e.g. Taxi stand) مَوْقِف Stop (e.g. Bus stop) مَحَطّة Taxi أُجْرة Washing Machine غَسّالة Wudu Places مَواضِئ Other Expressions English Arabic Singular Currency Exchanger صَرّاف Current Time الساعة المَحَلِّيّة Discount تَخْفيض How Much is This?
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