Concurrent Model In Software Engineering
Explanation: When applied to client/server applications, the concurrent process model defines activities in two dimensions: a system dimension and a component dimension.Thus Concurrency is achieved by system and component activities occurring simultaneously and can be modeled using the state-oriented approach. The concurrent process model activities moving from one state to another state. Advantages of the concurrent development model. This model is applicable to all types of software development processes. It is easy for understanding and use. It gives immediate feedback from testing. It provides an accurate picture of the current state of a project.
Concurrent Engineering vs Traditional Approach A comparison of the concurrent engineering model and the traditional model of product realization is shown in. Windows 7 product key free. As it can be seen, there are huge time savings when concurrent engineering is implemented in the design-to-manufacturing cycle of the product realization. Also the concurrent engineering method does not lead into problems of implementing the design in manufacturing such as costly engineering changes. This will result in reducing the overall product cost. In the, once the design is made, all of the departments that are invilved in the product realization are expected to follow it although they have very little input in the design of the product.
Concurrent Development Model In Software Engineering Tutorial
A frequently asked question is, how good the design can be without involvment of domain experts? Very often, the design team in the traditional model, do not have the knowledge and the skills to make a product that will be functional, of high quality and manufacturable. After the design team completes its task, the production processes are designed based on the design of the product. Therefore, if the product is poorly designed, the ensuing processes will be poorly designed, too. For example, if the manufacturing department has a part, that is difficult to manufacture due to the poor design, considerable time will be expended in order to manufacture the part. To accomplish this, sometimes, the manufacturing department introduces changes to the original design such as either updating the part tolerances or changing the number of parts in the design. At the same time, the changes in the product design may not be either communicated to others in the product realization process or too late to prevent decisions that are based on the original product design. Free overwatch key.