Taj Mahal Film Songs
On all movie pages, a list of all the songs from that particular movie are there with basic information about the movie. You can click the song heading in above list to view video, and lyrics of the song. Further, you can click on any name or category in the above list to see list of songs of that particular person or category. Ne nandu nanaavanu-Tajmahal kannada by MaHeSh K high quaLity. Mode Modalu Yeshwanth Sri.
It was at the Meena Bazar that Shehzada Khurram first laid eyes on Arjuman Banu. When their eyes met it was love at first sight for both of them. When Queen Noor Jehan, one of the wives of Shahenshah Jehangir, finds out she is enraged, as she wants Khurram to get married to her daughter, Ladli Banu, even though Arjuman is her niece. She plots to hold Arjuman as a prisoner in her palace, but in vain; then she attempts to have Khurram sent away to battle - again in vain, as Khurram returns triumphant, and is named 'Shah Jehan'.
Then she has her step-son, Saifuddin, arrange to kill Khurram - again in vain. Khurram gets stabbed but with Arjuman's help he recovers, returns home, but does not tell his father, fearing for his health. When Jehangir hears of Arjuman's assistance, he gladly arranges their marriage, while Saifuddin ends up marrying Ladli. Then Khurram is sent away to another kingdom, leaving Noor Jehan to plot against him.
When Jehangir falls ill, she takes over the reins, has. Love is such a strong sentiment in human-beings that almost everybody longs to be loved.
The dome is slightly asymmetrical. The shape of the dome is emphasised by four smaller domed (kiosks) placed at its corners, which replicate the onion shape of the main dome. What's inside the taj mahal. Because of its shape, the dome is often called an or amrud (guava dome). The top is decorated with a design which also serves to accentuate its height.
Therefore barring those having stony hearts, everyone loves lovers and desires their union. And hence eternity of someone's love is imagined also irrespective of the facts. Love in someone's case may not be as deep as it is perceived and certain of his / her activities might have emerged out of the reasons other than love, however the love-loving Indian public doesn't want to see or know or understand anything else. We consider love as real because we want it to be so. The splendid monument of white marble situated in Agra and known as the Taj Mahal has now been included in the'Wonders of the World'. It is said to have been built in the memory of Mumtaaz, the wife of the Mughal emperor Shaahjehan. And the love-story of both of them is understood to be at the root of its construction.
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Shaahjehan was known as Khurram in his adolescence whereas Mumtaaz was Arjumand Baanu prior to marrying him. Their love story whether real or imagined, is a legend now and Taj Mahal is considered its eternal symbol. Taj Mahal(1963) is a Hindi movie telling the story of the love of Khurram and Arjumand who later became Shaahjehan and Mumtaaz with their love finally getting immortalized in the shape of the Taj Mahal. This is a colour movie made in the era of black & white movies. Laced with great music containing timeless classic songs, this is a very interesting movie with a lot of repeat value. Many movies have been made in Bollywood on this historic theme but this one is undoubtedly the best among them.
Taj Mahal Film Songs Hindi
The narrative of this movie not only covers the love story of the young prince Khurram(Pradeep Kumar), the son of the Mughal emperor Jahaangir(Rehmaan) and Arjumand Baanu(Beena Roy), the daughter of Aasaf Khan, a baron of that period but also the struggle of Khurram in getting the throne of his father after his demise and finally, his ascendance to the position of the emperor. The narrative also covers the opposition to Khurram's claim to the throne(after Jahaangir's death) by the empress Noor Jehan in detail.
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Taj Mahal Film Songs Lyrics
To justify the title of the movie, the sequences of death of Arjumand later known as Mumtaaz, Shaahjehan's making a monument in her memory and thus Taj Mahal's coming into existence and finally, Shaahjehan's death have also been added to the main story. This story which is a combo of romance and action, consists of less fact more fiction but written on a large canvas, it has been spread very well on the screen consuming a duration of around three hours. Still many historic incidents pertaining to Shaahjehan's life had to be skipped, else the already very long movie would have been further lengthier. Sadiq has handled the script very well, bearing in his mind that it's a period movie and a costume drama and hence should be presented accordingly. There is no lapse in this regard. The dialogs are quite naturally in sophisticated Urdu and the actors playing the characters of that period have taken proper care of Talaffuz(correct pronunciation) while delivering them.